7 kyu

Two Oldest Ages

11,214 of 32,668jhoffner


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CreatedFeb 16, 2013
PublishedMar 28, 2013
Warriors Trained48223
Total Skips2680
Total Code Submissions107522
Total Times Completed32668
JavaScript Completions11214
CoffeeScript Completions197
Ruby Completions1925
TypeScript Completions1527
Go Completions3076
Lua Completions557
Crystal Completions35
Elixir Completions477
C# Completions1168
Kotlin Completions2416
OCaml Completions108
Nim Completions55
Python Completions7715
CFML Completions23
Prolog Completions50
Julia Completions80
C Completions518
PHP Completions716
C++ Completions1364
Rust Completions394
R Completions207
Total Stars258
% of votes with a positive feedback rating91% of 3656
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes3026
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes567
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes63
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