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39,323 of 69,712jhoffner


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CreatedApr 5, 2013
PublishedApr 5, 2013
Warriors Trained87988
Total Skips7916
Total Code Submissions135825
Total Times Completed69712
JavaScript Completions39323
Ruby Completions2091
CoffeeScript Completions87
Python Completions17077
C# Completions3342
Swift Completions1388
Elixir Completions88
C++ Completions4519
Scala Completions179
C Completions1209
Haskell Completions330
Rust Completions550
Go Completions1205
Java Completions749
Total Stars358
% of votes with a positive feedback rating89% of 5784
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes4716
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes894
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes174
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