8 kyu

Reversed Strings

139,364 of 333,977jhoffner


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CreatedApr 13, 2013
PublishedApr 13, 2013
Warriors Trained446281
Total Skips26116
Total Code Submissions638504
Total Times Completed333977
JavaScript Completions139364
CoffeeScript Completions693
Ruby Completions10057
Python Completions100854
Dart Completions2266
PHP Completions7688
C# Completions14699
Java Completions28529
Nim Completions130
Haskell Completions1914
Rust Completions3730
Groovy Completions210
Scala Completions1160
C++ Completions16380
Go Completions5026
Racket Completions104
TypeScript Completions4413
R Completions466
Prolog Completions64
NASM Completions35
Swift Completions3318
CFML Completions24
Julia Completions141
Elixir Completions369
Crystal Completions36
Perl Completions146
COBOL Completions42
C Completions2609
D Completions17
Factor Completions25
OCaml Completions92
SQL Completions3144
BF Completions71
Lua Completions29
Total Stars1791
% of votes with a positive feedback rating91% of 20493
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes17174
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes2902
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes417
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