8 kyu

Reversed Words

3,807 of 81,099jhoffner


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CreatedJun 24, 2013
PublishedJun 24, 2013
Warriors Trained107968
Total Skips3311
Total Code Submissions198544
Total Times Completed81099
Ruby Completions3807
JavaScript Completions34205
Haskell Completions871
CoffeeScript Completions85
Python Completions25091
C# Completions4306
Shell Completions687
Rust Completions974
Java Completions7079
F# Completions163
Scala Completions368
PHP Completions1644
Julia Completions57
Kotlin Completions999
Lua Completions168
Racket Completions42
TypeScript Completions912
Clojure Completions150
Crystal Completions20
C++ Completions2138
R Completions79
Go Completions739
C Completions172
COBOL Completions11
Elixir Completions51
OCaml Completions31
Total Stars719
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 7841
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes6704
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes999
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes138
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