6 kyu


2,138 of 2,214user4806669


In numerology, every number has a certain meaning that expresses someones connection to the universe! This single digit integer can be calculated by adding up every digit in the birthdate: year, month, and date.


Calculate the single integer digit by adding up every digit in the birthdate: month, date, full year, from left to right (MMDDYYYY). If the sum is greater or equal to 10, add up the two digits of the sum.

You will be passed in a Date object corresponding to your language.


For example, with date '06/14/2010'

=> 06142010

sum digits left action
0 06142010 0+0
0 6142010 0+6
6 142010 6+1
7 42010 7+4
11 2010 1+1 (sum is greater or equal to 10)
2 2010 2+2
4 010 4+0
4 10 4+1
5 0 5+0
5 done

So, what is your number?

Date Time


CreatedOct 14, 2013
PublishedOct 14, 2013
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