4 kyu

Karnaugh's detonating timer (a k-map primer)

385 of 398ssineriz
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  • user9644768 Avatar

    HTML in failure messages is broken.

  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    inputs and outputs aren't described. it's impossible to actually know what the user is supposed to do just byreading the description.

  • rezwu Avatar

    I love kmaps

  • Azuaron Avatar

    This comment has been hidden.

  • computerguy103 Avatar

    It's kind of annoying that the return value has to be a 1 or a 0, instead of being any logical value (0 false, nonzero true - like say for instance, ~0 which is -1).

    edit: nevermind, I guess the workaround is to use the logical not ! instead of the bitwise not ~.

  • Ellyll Avatar

    Thanks for this Kata, I don't remember seeing Karnaugh Maps before, so I learnt something new and useful! :)

    One minor suggestion for the language: "You have just finished to assemble the time-bomb" should probably read: "You have just finished assembling the time-bomb"

  • nha Avatar

    I don't mind about the illegal caracters, but it prevents commenting... Also, I don't quite get what we want and the first segment1 given is somewhat confusing me... The way I understand it it should be always true, since it will always be displayed for 'A', 'B', 'C'...'F'. What is it that I don't get ?

  • jacobb Avatar

    Test Failed: Imperial Stormtroopers have detected illegal characters: 'b'

    Wait... what?

  • constablebrew Avatar

    Code Golf: My best solution is 43 material used. Post here if you can beat it!

  • constablebrew Avatar

    This was great. The extra credit part at the end is lots of fun.

  • JulianNicholls Avatar

    It is much clearer to me now that I have completed it. I think that the imaginative story hides the actual specification, unfortunately.

    I would say tell the story, by all means, but then you need to specify what is wanted from the code much more clearly.

  • JulianNicholls Avatar

    Clearly, you are a non-native English speaker, so please read these comments in the spirit that they are given. I applaud you for contributing, I certainly couldn't write Kata on a French version of this site.

    I think I know what to do, since I understand Karnaugh maps, but I can't make sense of the description and the example test fixture doesn't help, unfortunately.

    The error messages are also not that helpful.

    Test Failed: Found this strange components: '====?:'

    I have no idea what that means,since I'm returning 0 and 1 for each one so those characters are being cooked up from somewhere by the test fixture.