4 kyu

Word, char and line count

710 of 716TiTi



The goal is to count the number of words, chars and lines in a block of text. [Pretty much like the wc command].

Fill the parse method so that the 3 counters (wordCount, charCount & lineCount) are properly setted in the DocumentParser object.


In order to handle large blocks of text, you do not receive any string in the constructor or in the parse method.

Instead, you receive a Reader instance as a parameter of your DocumentParser constructor.

This reader expose only one method : getChunk()

  • Returns the following fragment of text from the file it is reading
  • Returns a string of random size
  • Returns at least one char
  • Returns an empty string when finished


  • You have to call getChunk as many times as needed to fully read the file.
  • You cannot concatenete calls to getChunk: to simulate limited memory, each chunk must be parsed individually.
  • Regex are not allowed.

Technical note: This is to simulate the processing of every kind of file, especially huge files that cannot fits into memory.

Word boundaries

What is a word ? Keep it simple :

  • Words are separated with one or more space character(s), examples:
    • "Hello world" is 2 words
    • "Hello   world" is 2 words
    • "mother-in-law" is 1 word
  • Lines are separated with "\n"
    • "Hello\nworld" is 2 words
    • "Hello World.\nBraaaiiiiiiinnnnsss" is 3 words
  • Control character \n should be ignored in the character count
  • Punctuation is correctly located: no need to parse punctuation


"Hello World"

  • Chars: 11
  • Words: 2
  • Lines: 1

"Is it me, or you?"

  • Chars: 17
  • Words: 5
  • Lines: 1

"You can try, but you'll never catch me.\nBazinga!"

  • Chars: 47
  • Words: 9 (you'll = 1 word)
  • Lines: 2


CreatedNov 15, 2013
PublishedNov 16, 2013
Warriors Trained3450
Total Skips932
Total Code Submissions35534
Total Times Completed716
JavaScript Completions710
Total Stars135
% of votes with a positive feedback rating87% of 132
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes108
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