6 kyu

Does my number look big in this?

5,559 of 169,284JulianNicholls


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CreatedNov 16, 2013
PublishedNov 16, 2013
Warriors Trained313676
Total Skips31803
Total Code Submissions452246
Total Times Completed169284
Ruby Completions5559
JavaScript Completions55477
CoffeeScript Completions243
Haskell Completions1422
Python Completions68167
C# Completions10264
PHP Completions4901
C++ Completions10868
NASM Completions26
Nim Completions34
Scala Completions578
C Completions3692
TypeScript Completions3932
COBOL Completions18
Factor Completions7
Lua Completions177
R Completions141
Java Completions5724
Swift Completions195
Rust Completions670
Crystal Completions8
Julia Completions39
D Completions6
Total Stars1735
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 14647
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes12350
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes2144
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes153
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