5 kyu

Pipelining and composing functions

520 of 527user5363957


Let's see 2 ways of applying successive functions to an object:

The purpose of this kata is to think of this kind of code

var result = fn4(fn3(fn2(fn1(obj))));

in terms of pipelining or composition of functions.

  1. Pipelining
    var result = pipeline(obj
                          , fn1
                          , fn2
                          , fn3
                          , fn4);

for instance:

pipeline([1,2,3,4,5,6] // seed
    , rest // first function to apply
    , rest // second function to apply
    , rest // ..
    , rest
    , first);
=> 5
  1. Composition: it should return a function that is the composition of a list of functions, where each function consumes the return value of the function that follows.
    var compositionFn = compose(fn4, fn3, fn2, fn1);
    var result = compositionFn(obj);
    for instance
    var greet    = function(name){ return "hi: " + name; };
    var exclaim  = function(statement){ return statement.toUpperCase() + "!"; };
    var welcome = compose(greet, exclaim);
    => 'hi: MOE!'
Functional Programming


CreatedNov 29, 2013
PublishedNov 29, 2013
Warriors Trained1153
Total Skips315
Total Code Submissions4486
Total Times Completed527
JavaScript Completions520
Total Stars36
% of votes with a positive feedback rating83% of 96
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes72
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes16
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes3
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