
Find a way to cheat the Codewars testing system (retired)

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  • jhoffner Avatar

    Retiring this kata since we don't try to stop cheaters, we just detect them and deduct honor. Fixing the JS framework to be uncheatable is too much of a cat and mouse game, magnified by having to do it for multiple languages.

  • joh_pot Avatar

    This kata just stole 9 honor points from me.

  • ZozoFouchtra Avatar

    /!\ Oh oh ! /!\

    @jhoffner & other admins you SHOULD look at the solutions of this kata :

    • mortonfox Avatar

      Yup. Every Javascript kata can be broken by returning early. I haven't even checked to see if it's possible in other languages.

    • jhoffner Avatar

      We stopped trying to handle cheating within the actual frameworks because it was an endless cat and mouse game. To handle it in all languages in all cases was just too much, so instead we have a system where after you submit your code (as a defered process) we check to see if code that should fail passes. In this case we dock you the points and honor earned. The first few occurances of cheat detection are done this way as good faith, after 3 occurences we start to penalize your score beyond taking away your earned points.

      Since we let the first few cases slide, its probably ok to leave this kata up, but its never going to get approved. I will update the kata description to reflect this information.

    • tianshuo Avatar

      @jhoffner Actually, by using the vm module in node.js things would be much better! It really sandboxes the user code.

  • mortonfox Avatar

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  • ooflorent Avatar

    There are so many issues into cw-2.js! I really enjoyed this kata!

  • Abbe Avatar

    Very funny kata.

    I don't know if I should consider it ready or not, since the solutions will surely be broken very soon. :-)