6 kyu

Are they the "same"?

3,689 of 99,883g964


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CreatedMar 14, 2015
PublishedMar 14, 2015
Warriors Trained280328
Total Skips58091
Total Code Submissions1907330
Total Times Completed99883
Ruby Completions3689
C# Completions5832
Python Completions31241
Java Completions10992
Clojure Completions535
Haskell Completions1325
JavaScript Completions29875
CoffeeScript Completions53
Elixir Completions526
TypeScript Completions2366
C++ Completions4304
PHP Completions2117
Crystal Completions51
F# Completions178
C Completions2481
Rust Completions1553
Swift Completions841
R Completions233
Scala Completions746
Shell Completions118
OCaml Completions83
Julia Completions114
Kotlin Completions925
PowerShell Completions71
Go Completions1271
Nim Completions33
PureScript Completions32
NASM Completions19
Racket Completions63
Groovy Completions40
Prolog Completions35
CFML Completions19
Fortran Completions16
Haxe Completions11
Dart Completions535
Pascal Completions17
Lua Completions77
Perl Completions35
D Completions13
Elm Completions12
COBOL Completions6
Erlang Completions16
Total Stars3803
% of votes with a positive feedback rating76% of 10212
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes6537
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes2485
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes1190
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