8 kyu

Convert a Boolean to a String

5,121 of 209,579btaitelb


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CreatedApr 1, 2015
PublishedApr 1, 2015
Warriors Trained257069
Total Skips13767
Total Code Submissions312011
Total Times Completed209579
Ruby Completions5121
Python Completions65884
JavaScript Completions77085
Java Completions20005
CoffeeScript Completions77
C# Completions11703
Swift Completions4334
NASM Completions118
TypeScript Completions3375
C++ Completions13946
Julia Completions147
Rust Completions3146
C Completions3850
Factor Completions25
Crystal Completions42
Dart Completions1737
Haskell Completions768
Groovy Completions133
R Completions330
Elixir Completions262
COBOL Completions49
Lua Completions376
PHP Completions2402
D Completions22
Kotlin Completions1201
Scala Completions97
Total Stars688
% of votes with a positive feedback rating88% of 11478
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes9120
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes1896
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes462
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