8 kyu
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30,417 of 73,694JoniWeiss
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Created | May 18, 2015 |
Published | May 18, 2015 |
Warriors Trained | 89910 |
Total Skips | 4610 |
Total Code Submissions | 137302 |
Total Times Completed | 73694 |
JavaScript Completions | 30417 |
Ruby Completions | 1923 |
Java Completions | 9799 |
Elixir Completions | 407 |
C# Completions | 3876 |
C Completions | 1231 |
Python Completions | 22543 |
C++ Completions | 4420 |
TypeScript Completions | 1232 |
CoffeeScript Completions | 33 |
COBOL Completions | 25 |
Scala Completions | 87 |
Lua Completions | 76 |
Haskell Completions | 26 |
Total Stars | 284 |
% of votes with a positive feedback rating | 91% of 5369 |
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes | 4525 |
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes | 710 |
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes | 134 |