6 kyu

Zeckendorf representation

193 of 276zieglerk


Every positive integer can be written as a sum of Fibonacci numbers. For example 10 = 8 + 2 or 5 + 3 + 2 or 3 + 3 + 2 + 2. Apparently, this representation is not unique.

It becomes unique, if we rule out consecutive Fibonacci numbers: this is Zeckendorf's theorem, first proven by Lekkerkerker in 1952. In the example above, this excludes the last two representations (containing the consecutive Fibonacci numbers 2 and 3), and we are left with the Zeckendorf representation 10 = 8 + 2.

Complete the function that returns the Zeckendorf representation of a given integer n as a list of Fibonacci numbers in decreasing order. Return an empty list for n = 0 and None/nil for negative n.

Hint: Be greedy!

Footnote: The Zeckendorf representation is closely connected to the Fibonacci coding.


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CreatedMay 19, 2015
PublishedJul 5, 2015
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