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CreatedMay 29, 2015
PublishedMay 29, 2015
Warriors Trained394342
Total Skips19431
Total Code Submissions764811
Total Times Completed336075
C# Completions20247
Python Completions103081
JavaScript Completions131079
Haskell Completions2214
Ruby Completions7207
Java Completions33269
CoffeeScript Completions142
C++ Completions20986
Elixir Completions843
TypeScript Completions4414
Go Completions6305
Julia Completions233
Kotlin Completions3314
NASM Completions180
Groovy Completions209
Scala Completions1039
C Completions8729
PHP Completions5386
Racket Completions143
CFML Completions45
Crystal Completions47
R Completions427
Dart Completions1753
Perl Completions148
COBOL Completions80
Factor Completions27
D Completions35
OCaml Completions197
CommonLisp Completions81
Clojure Completions50
Rust Completions652
Total Stars1355
% of votes with a positive feedback rating91% of 21847
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes18324
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes3124
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes399
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