6 kyu

Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n

126 of 4,782g964


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CreatedJul 8, 2015
PublishedJul 8, 2015
Warriors Trained14681
Total Skips3980
Total Code Submissions16744
Total Times Completed4782
Ruby Completions126
Python Completions838
Haskell Completions84
Java Completions846
Clojure Completions66
JavaScript Completions583
CoffeeScript Completions25
C# Completions346
TypeScript Completions92
C++ Completions546
Elixir Completions94
PHP Completions212
Crystal Completions17
F# Completions45
C Completions451
Rust Completions161
Swift Completions137
Go Completions245
Nim Completions22
R Completions73
Shell Completions41
OCaml Completions38
Fortran Completions20
Julia Completions28
Scala Completions41
PowerShell Completions22
Reason Completions5
Racket Completions24
Forth Completions20
Factor Completions17
Kotlin Completions44
Prolog Completions15
Pascal Completions13
Raku Completions9
Perl Completions11
COBOL Completions13
Elm Completions10
D Completions9
Erlang Completions12
Total Stars230
% of votes with a positive feedback rating83% of 754
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes553
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes153
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes48
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