7 kyu

Digital Synesthesia

72 of 166FlixTron
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  • ejini战神 Avatar

    No random tests in C# (similar issues in JS except usage of test.expect....)

  • RealKenshiro Avatar

    Completely broken (JS), everything returns :

    Unspecified AssertionError

  • B1ts Avatar

    This is awfully under-specified kata, and testing is even worse :/

  • donaldsebleung Avatar
    • Tests should be upgraded to use Test.assertEquals, instead of the current Test.expect (and without a custom failure message!)
    • Sample tests should cover a full range of cases: hex colors with digits A-F, multiple colors, etc.
    • Randomized assertions should be added to the submit tests
    • Description should make it absolutely clear that the resulting string must be in uppercase

    Especially the last point, considering the amount of time I wasted trying to figure out why the heck I was getting "unspecified assertion error".

  • qqwweeaassdd Avatar

    Little hint for somebody who stuck here for couple of days (as I did): the result has to be in upper case

  • macnick Avatar

    Interesting kata but unfortunately very bad description.

  • eb110 Avatar

    Very interesting kata, bit to low for lvl 7 but description is very unclear which makes this kata hard to finish. Hint - all chars are compared as music - space, colon etc.

  • Len512 Avatar

    Nice one!

  • zardoxnet Avatar

    Is the idea to swap out all characters EXCEPT ABCDEFG? So that something like the following test case:

    z4 | z4 |\ z4 | z4 | z4 | z4 |\ G2 .G.G | (.G2 .G2) | G2 .G.G | (.G2 .G2) |\ w:ff G2 .G.A | ... and so on


    GGGGGGGGGGGGA ... and so on

    ignore spaces symbols and any character but the musical scale?

  • Voile Avatar

    The requirement of the kata is MASSIVELY unclear, and the obscured test cases don't help at all either.

    • What exactly are we trying to match? For example: |: DFxBC :|. I tried many things and the test case just keep telling me "you're wrong". This isn't helpful at all.
    • Example test cases are woefully inadequate as well. It tells us nothing about how to handle anything beyond ABCDEFG.
    • Is it seriously needed to obscure the test cases? Can't you just, you know, implement random test cases?

    Please revise the description, and add more example test cases and random tests.

  • ktfstone Avatar

    My code is passing everything except the last test case. This has been driving me mad, could someone tell me what the test case is, so I can finally solve this! please. Edit: I'm using Javascript.

  • pedrofialho Avatar

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