6 kyu

Square Cubic Triples

57 of 87raulbc777


We are interested in collecting the triples of positive integers (a, b, c) that fulfill the following equation:

 +  = 

The first triple with the lowest values that satisfies the equation we have above is (2, 2 ,2). In effect:

2² + 2² = 2³
4  + 4  = 8

The first pair of triples that "shares" the same value of c is: (2, 11, 5) and (5, 10, 5).

Both triples share the same value of c is c = 5.

Triple (2, 11, 5)                  Triple(5, 10, 5)
2² + 11² =  5³                      5² +  10²  =  5³
4  + 121 = 125                     25  + 100   = 125

So, we say that the value c has two solutions because there are two triples sharing the same value of c.

There are some values of c with no solutions.

The first value of c that have a surprising number of solutions is 65 with 8 different triples.

In order to avoid duplications you will consider that a <= b always.

Make the function find_abc_sumsqcube(), that may give us the values of c for an specific number of solutions.

For that purpose the above required function will receive two arguments, c_max and num_sol. It is understandable that c_max will give to our function the upper limit of c and num_sol, the specific number of solutions.

The function will output a sorted list with the values of c that have a number of solutions equals to num_sol

Let's see some cases:

find_abc_sumsqcube(5, 1) == [2] # below or equal to c_max = 5 we have triple the (2, 2, 2) (see above)

find_abc_sumsqcube(5, 2) == [5] # now we want the values of ```c ≤ c_max``` with two solutions (see above again)

find_abc_sumsqcube(10, 2) == [5, 10]

find_abc_sumsqcube(20, 8) == [] # There are no values of c equal and bellow 20 having 8 solutions.

Our tests will have the following ranges for our two arguments:

5  c_max  1000
1  num_sol  10

Happy coding!!

Data Structures


CreatedOct 10, 2015
PublishedOct 16, 2015
Warriors Trained629
Total Skips94
Total Code Submissions646
Total Times Completed87
Python Completions57
Ruby Completions14
JavaScript Completions32
Total Stars15
% of votes with a positive feedback rating84% of 28
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes20
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Total "Not Satisfied" Votes1
Total Rank Assessments5
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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