
Cryptic Sue

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  • Voile Avatar

    Can the description be less informative about what timesTable mean in the kata?

  • ejini战神 Avatar

    JS Node 12 should be enabled

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Neesd random tests.

  • em-12 Avatar

    Just a minor comment on the wording, which is a bit unclear in places. For example, in the first section, I think it would be clearer to split the sentence over two lines like:

    Sue has hidden her word away in an array which includes:

    • letters - the letters that form the message
    • numbers - random numbers as well as not so random numbers

    It might also be worth specifying what kinds of inputs the user needs to worry about (i.e. do they need to handle empty/invalid inputs, duplicates, or will all your test cases specify correct inputs)

    • charlie301 Avatar

      Hi em-12,

      Thanks for checking out my Kata and leaving feedback. I have amended the description to make parts clearer based on your advice.

      Issue marked resolved by charlie301 10 years ago