7 kyu

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855 of 28,437g964


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CreatedDec 6, 2015
PublishedDec 6, 2015
Warriors Trained72635
Total Skips15439
Total Code Submissions183302
Total Times Completed28437
Ruby Completions855
Python Completions7180
JavaScript Completions7121
CoffeeScript Completions25
C# Completions1431
Haskell Completions427
Java Completions3336
Clojure Completions275
C++ Completions1927
PHP Completions1210
Crystal Completions33
C Completions902
TypeScript Completions737
F# Completions119
Shell Completions175
OCaml Completions50
Kotlin Completions916
Elixir Completions189
Julia Completions55
R Completions160
Scala Completions295
PowerShell Completions96
Go Completions1208
Nim Completions22
Rust Completions572
Reason Completions7
Racket Completions35
Haxe Completions12
Pascal Completions28
Perl Completions22
D Completions9
COBOL Completions9
Erlang Completions16
Total Stars553
% of votes with a positive feedback rating80% of 3489
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes2435
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes731
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes323
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