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CreatedDec 15, 2015
PublishedDec 15, 2015
Warriors Trained111398
Total Skips23978
Total Code Submissions143586
Total Times Completed47053
Ruby Completions1187
Python Completions11807
JavaScript Completions15670
CoffeeScript Completions35
Haskell Completions498
Java Completions4273
C# Completions1944
Clojure Completions256
Elixir Completions334
C++ Completions2517
PHP Completions1390
Crystal Completions41
F# Completions130
TypeScript Completions894
C Completions1467
Shell Completions217
OCaml Completions64
Kotlin Completions1006
Fortran Completions28
Swift Completions1064
NASM Completions21
Julia Completions52
R Completions125
PowerShell Completions86
Go Completions1435
Nim Completions22
Rust Completions779
Reason Completions7
Racket Completions30
Scala Completions263
Groovy Completions49
Haxe Completions8
Pascal Completions35
Dart Completions536
Perl Completions56
Prolog Completions15
Lua Completions127
Elm Completions15
COBOL Completions16
D Completions15
Erlang Completions15
Total Stars902
% of votes with a positive feedback rating88% of 4604
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes3632
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes824
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes148
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