7 kyu

Moves in squared strings (I)

365 of 13,969g964


This kata is the first of a sequence of four about "Squared Strings".

You are given a string of n lines, each substring being n characters long: For example:

s = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop"

We will study some transformations of this square of strings.

  • Vertical mirror: vert_mirror (or vertMirror or vert-mirror)
    vert_mirror(s) => "dcba\nhgfe\nlkji\nponm"
  • Horizontal mirror: hor_mirror (or horMirror or hor-mirror)
     hor_mirror(s) => "mnop\nijkl\nefgh\nabcd"

or printed:

vertical mirror   |horizontal mirror   
abcd --> dcba     |abcd --> mnop 
efgh     hgfe     |efgh     ijkl 
ijkl     lkji     |ijkl     efgh 
mnop     ponm     |mnop     abcd 


  • Write these two functions


  • high-order function oper(fct, s) where

  • fct is the function of one variable f to apply to the string s (fct will be one of vertMirror, horMirror)


s = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop"
oper(vert_mirror, s) => "dcba\nhgfe\nlkji\nponm"
oper(hor_mirror, s) => "mnop\nijkl\nefgh\nabcd"


The form of the parameter fct in oper changes according to the language. You can see each form according to the language in "Sample Tests".

Bash Note:

The input strings are separated by , instead of \n. The output strings should be separated by \r instead of \n. See "Sample Tests".


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