6 kyu
Moves in squared strings (II)
152 of 5,006g964
You are given a string of n
lines, each substring being n
characters long: For example:
s = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop"
We will study some transformations of this square of strings.
- rot(s):
Clock rotation 180 degrees.rot(s) => "ponm\nlkji\nhgfe\ndcba"
- selfie_and_rot(s) (or selfieAndRot or selfie-and-rot):
It is an initial string combined with its 180-degree clock-rotated version, interspersed with dots proportional to the length of the segments, to better illustrate the rotation when printed.s = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop" --> "abcd....\nefgh....\nijkl....\nmnop....\n....ponm\n....lkji\n....hgfe\n....dcba"
On printing, these functions work as follows:
|rot |selfie_and_rot
|abcd --> ponm |abcd --> abcd....
|efgh lkji |efgh efgh....
|ijkl hgfe |ijkl ijkl....
|mnop dcba |mnop mnop....
Notice that the number of dots is the common length of "abcd", "efgh", "ijkl", "mnop".
- Write these two functions
high-order function
oper(fct, s)
wherefct is the function of one variable f to apply to the string
(fct will be one ofrot, selfie_and_rot
s = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop"
oper(rot, s) => "ponm\nlkji\nhgfe\ndcba"
oper(selfie_and_rot, s) => "abcd....\nefgh....\nijkl....\nmnop....\n....ponm\n....lkji\n....hgfe\n....dcba"
- The form of the parameter
in oper changes according to the language. You can see each form according to the language in "Your test cases". - It could be easier to take these katas from number (I) to number (IV)
Forthcoming katas will study other tranformations.
Bash Note:
The input strings are separated by ,
instead of \n
. The ouput strings should be separated by \r
instead of \n
. See "Sample Tests".
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