Handy Toolbox for Kata authors
Handy Toolbox for Kata authors
Hello there, code warrior! I'm currently planning to author an awesome and challenging Kata in the near future (not guaranteed ;) ) but I need your help. Can you help me?
Mission Brief
Your mission is to define a KataToolbox
class which contains handy built-in class methods that a Kata author can use alongside the existing Codewars Test
framework in order to make authoring top-quality Kata effortless.
I. stripwhitespace
Define the class method KataToolbox.stripwhitespace
, which effectively removes all whitespace and newline characters from a given string. For example:
KataToolbox.stripwhitespace(" s t r i n g ") === "string"
KataToolbox.stripwhitespace("Hello World") === "HelloWorld"
KataToolbox.stripwhitespace("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adispicing eu.") === "Loremipsumdolorsitamet,adispicingeu."
KataToolbox.stripwhitespace(`Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adispicing eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adispicing eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adispicing eu.`) === `Loremipsumdolorsitamet,adispicingeu.Loremipsumdolorsitamet,adispicingeu.Loremipsumdolorsitamet,adispicingeu.`
Your method should not alter the original value passed in.
II. approxEquals
Usually, when comparing numerical values in a test, we want the user's algorithm to return exactly the same value as the established solution (as defined by the Kata author). For example, when testing the user's function for returning the 5th prime number, we would want their function to return exactly 11
, not something like 10.999
or 11.001
, because if their function/algorithm returned anything different, it would mean that their algorithm is somewhat faulty.
However, as we all know, floating point arithmetic in just about any programming language is not commutative; that is, you may get a slightly different answer depending on the order in which you carry out the calculations. For example, if you do something like (10 / 3) * 3
you would expect 10
but in reality you may get something like 9.9999999999
instead of 10
due to rounding errors. For this reason we want to implement a method KataToolbox.approxEquals
which returns true
if 2 numbers round to the same value to 3 decimal places, false
otherwise. Your method should also throw an error if either of the arguments passed in is not a number.
KataToolbox.approxEquals(6, 6) === true
KataToolbox.approxEquals(3.14, 3.15) === false
KataToolbox.approxEquals(3.141, 3.142) === false
KataToolbox.approxEquals(3.1415, 3.1424) === true // Both round to 3.142 to 3 decimal places
KataToolbox.approxEquals(Math.PI, "hello world") // throws an error
III. saveMathRandom
NOTE: This is NOT a class method. A new
instance of the toolbox will be created before this method is called.
The saveMathRandom
method should generate a random float from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive), just like Math.random
(look out, an obvious hint here ;) ). The only catch here is that your saveMathRandom
method must continue to generate random floats properly even if a cheater successfully disables the original Math.random
IV. randomString
The class method KataToolbox.randomString
should generate a random string, 10
characters in length, that must contain at least alphanumeric characters (both uppercase and lowercase) plus any other characters you may wish to add. For example:
KataToolbox.randomString() === "aE4i5Ker7N" // Must contain at least alphanumeric characters
KataToolbox.randomString() === "Zb$jY%nOm5" // Random string may also contain any other type of character of your choice
NOTE: Due to the random nature of this class method, your method may occassionally fail one or two tests. If this happens, simply submit your solution again until it passes all the tests.
V. userCheated
Well, it's sometimes quite hard to tell if a user has cheated in your Kata; hell, sometimes you aren't even sure how to define "cheating"! But for the purposes of this Kata, a user is clearly cheating if he or she redefines Math.random
in such a way that it returns the same number every time. So for this class method (KataToolbox.userCheated
), you should check whether the user has cheated or not using this logic. Return true
if the user has cheated; false
Good luck :D
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Created | Mar 21, 2016 |
Published | Mar 22, 2016 |
Warriors Trained | 147 |
Total Skips | 3 |
Total Code Submissions | 812 |
Total Times Completed | 49 |
JavaScript Completions | 49 |
Total Stars | 10 |
% of votes with a positive feedback rating | 90% of 25 |
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes | 22 |
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes | 1 |
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes | 2 |
Total Rank Assessments | 5 |
Average Assessed Rank | 5 kyu |
Highest Assessed Rank | 5 kyu |
Lowest Assessed Rank | 6 kyu |