
Periodic Table Encoder

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  • daddepledge Avatar

    Similar problem: 'HYFEsP - Hydrogen Yttrium Fluorine Einsteinium Phosphorus' should equal 'HYFeSP - Hydrogen Yttrium Iron Sulfur Phosphorus'

    I really enjoyed the Kata.

  • ChristianECooper Avatar

    Nice kata, but there is a big flaw.

    You state that there will only be one solution your tests, but I get the following failed test message:

    'NICe - Nitrogen Iodine Cerium' should equal 'NiCe - Nickel Cerium'
  • eliotn Avatar

    The description could use some proofreading. I noticed some syntax errors, such as double negetives, and things could be better worded. Also, I am wondering if it is possible to do tests that have multiple possible solutions, instead of flat out stating that you are not doing it.