Loading They say that only the name is long enough to attract attention. They also said that only a simple Kata will have someone to solve it. This is a sadly story #1: Are they opposite?
8 kyu
Loading They say that only the name is long enough to attract attention. They also said that only a simple Kata will have someone to solve it. This is a sadly story #1: Are they opposite?
8 kyu
They say that only the name is long enough to attract attention. They also said that only a simple Kata will have someone to solve it. This is a sadly story #1: Are they opposite?
6 of 11,062myjinxin2015
- C
- CoffeeScript
- C++
- C#
- Haskell
- JavaScript
- PureScript (Beta)
- Python
- Ruby
- Scala
Language Version
This kata does not currently have any known supported versions for
It may not be completable due to dependencies on out-dated libraries/language versions.
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