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6 kyu


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Regular Expressions
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  • dfhwze Avatar

    how does " 1 2 34 4 22 ABCDD 32 98BCC AF 65 F " jam?

  • Voile Avatar

    JS version has output to stderr because assertSimilar is used (when assertEquals is perfectly fine for the test).

  • myjinxin2015 Avatar

    I read your Kata description, but I still don't know your rules, and I have to keep trying and guessing ;-)

    Can you explain the following examples?

    seq='D2  C 48 F7    D3   D D1EFDF  '
    ✘   Expected: C F7 D, instead got: D2 F7 D3 D1EFDF  

    In this case, why D2 and D1EFDF is not WOW?

     seq='       2 F52       3F 9   A39 '
    ✘   Expected: 9, instead got: blocked jam attempt  

    In this case, why only 9 is a WOW?

  • smile67 Avatar

    For me it's a really unclear description and unclear testcases too, there are different possibilities to handle your given details, but nothing really fits togehter. Perhaps you will ask me for details, but just don't know where to begin;-)... Perhaps i'm to quick, haven't recognized each detail, so only on short example (your example): " 445 295 7F 11 23 6654 1 A " ==> "7F A". "7F A" is shorter than 3 so why not "...suspicious attempts to spoil our work"? And "7F" < 3 and "A" < 3 too, so what has to be consided, parts or complete string without spaces? There are similar other points too and the results of your random tests don't help too, same problems and for me strange...

    • smile67 Avatar

      Just saw your answer to the hidden issue (after i submitted my points), so perhaps same problems...

    • polluxCast0r Avatar

      Thank you for reporting. Yes, description may be unclear in some moments. Thank you for telling which parts aren't easy to understand.

      I will fix description as soon as possible to make it more easy to understand.

  • rubs33 Avatar

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