7 kyu

Make the small words big!

558 of 856bo-bok
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  • Romosaurus Avatar

    Interestingly enough, if there was more than one space between the words, most solutions would not work.

  • wisyr Avatar

    Love this kata. Cheers!

  • bo-bok Avatar

    Hello everybody, thanks for all your feedback :)

    I completely agree that I need to fix the random tests and will get that done this weekend. Reason they are commented out is because I got stuck with them and I never imagined my first kata would make it out of beta so quickly (thanks for that guys!!).

  • myjinxin2015 Avatar

    Why you disable the random tests? I have seen them in your code ;-)

  • devnuhl Avatar

    It seems like the submission test assertion violates the requirements. 4 characters > 3 characters.

    • user5036852 Avatar

      Concrete example? I think the tests work fine.

    • devnuhl Avatar

      This comment has been hidden.

    • user5036852 Avatar

      No, the submission tests expects "It's" would become "t's". So, I don't see, where is the problem...

      I unterstood characters as char. And so "It's" are four characters and there is not problem.

    • HerrWert Avatar

      Ich habe die Kata einfach genau nach der Beschreibung gelöst und bin dabei auch auf keinen Fehler gestoßen.

    • devnuhl Avatar

      strange, then, because thats exactly what my solution produced and the checker told me it expected the four character word to be all caps while what my code provided was as you described and what I said I would expect from the instructions.

    • bo-bok Avatar

      Hello everyone

      Thanks devnuhl for pointing this out. I'm not sure about the issue you're having as I checked test cases and can't find an example which expects a four character word to be all caps. If you can remember the example it'd be great if you can share.

      I can understand why characters/letters are confusing. I've updated the description and added some examples, hope this is clearer?

    • devnuhl Avatar

      It seemed to be the one with "It's the job" but I've got it sorted now. When I tried to replicate it, it came up slightly different than what I remember from a few days ago.

  • user5036852 Avatar

    C#-Translation kumited!


    Please check and approve!

    First nice kata. ;-) But why are your random tests in comments and not ready?

    • user5036852 Avatar

      Is there any problem with the Translation or with approving it?

    • bo-bok Avatar

      Thanks for making the translation :) I can see it's already been approved. I've updated the description in the original kata to make the character length criteria more explicit, could you update the description in your translation to do the same?

      Also random tests are commented out as I was having some issues with them, I've been working on them and will publish them asap.

    • user5036852 Avatar

      Jake, the godfather of codewars, had approved it.

      If you have questions when doing the random tests, don't hesitate and ask. :-)

  • HerrWert Avatar

    Fun little kata! Thanks for providing it.

    • bo-bok Avatar

      You're very welcome and thanks for feedback - it's my first kata so I'm very pleased that you enjoyed it!

    • HerrWert Avatar

      Well, that's a really good start! I've only authored two myself: one extremely easy and another extremely hard (though I didn't intend it to be that way :-)

    • smile67 Avatar

      I agree to "HerrWert";-)... So just solved and approved it... Perhaps next time some random tests;-)?

    • bo-bok Avatar

      Hey guys,

      Thanks for approving smile67 :) You're right about random tests, and I'm going to update this kata to have random tests too.

      HerrWert thank you! Agree it's hard to find the balance, the first kata I tried to make seemed very simple but ended up so complicated!

    • HerrWert Avatar

      Yes, sometimes we don't realize what a complicated decision process is involved in a real-life situation until we try to represent it in code. It gives you a new appreciation for the human brain.