6 kyu

T.T.T.53: Fighting for love! Knights of the round

39 of 63myjinxin2015



Eight men fell in love with a woman at the same time. Oh~~ A lucky woman and eight unfortunate men ;-). The 8 men are ready to fight a duel of life and death.

The names of eight men:
"Asda Btry","Csrt Dks","Gjhgj Hewr","Kewrwe Lhgj",
"Osdf Psde","Mretb Njhk","Isdf Jjhkhj","Eyui Ferd"

The duel takes place in a room, with a round table in it. The desktop of the table can be rotated. The table is set with eight guns, filled with bullets. Each man has his own pistol, with his initials engraved on it. They put the eight pistols in a random order around the table and sit down in random order too (imagine or assume that their eyes are covered with cloth.).

             Asda Btry   Csrt Dks
                    \    /
                    CD  AB
   Eyui Ferd -- KL         MN -- Gjhgj Hewr
 Isdf Jjhkhj -- OP         IJ -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                    EF  GH
                   /     \
           Mretb Njhk   Osdf Psde

When they remove the cloth from the eyes, the duel begins. The game takes place in several rounds. In each round, if the gun in front of a knight is his own, he will pick it up and shoot his left and right neighbors. At the end of each round, the knights still standing will turn the table clockwise. On the first round, they rotate it 45 degrees, on the second round 90 degrees, and so on, increasing by 45 degrees each time.

Note that they all shoot at the same time ! Therefore it is possible for them to be shot from multiple directions in some rounds. Also, the men who already died in the previous rounds are lying on the floor : each duelist shoots his nearest living neighbors.

Turn 45 degrees:
             Asda Btry   Csrt Dks
                    \    /
                    KL  CD
   Eyui Ferd -- OP         AB -- Gjhgj Hewr
 Isdf Jjhkhj -- EF         MN -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                    GH  IJ
                   /     \
           Mretb Njhk   Osdf Psde

Csrt Dks gets his gun, "PONG!PONG!PONG!!!"

After a burst of gunfire, two men died(Asda Btry and Gjhgj Hewr).

      Asda Btry(died)   Csrt Dks
                    \    /
                    KL  CD
   Eyui Ferd -- OP         AB -- Gjhgj Hewr(died)
 Isdf Jjhkhj -- EF         MN -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                    GH  IJ
                   /     \
           Mretb Njhk   Osdf Psde

The duel will continue until less than than 2 men are alive...

Turn 90 degrees:
      Asda Btry(died)   Csrt Dks
                    \    /
                    EF  OP
   Eyui Ferd -- GH         KL -- Gjhgj Hewr(died)
 Isdf Jjhkhj -- IJ         CD -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                    MN  AB
                   /     \
           Mretb Njhk   Osdf Psde
Isdf Jjhkhj and Mretb Njhk get their guns, "PONG!PONG!PONG!!!"

After a burst of gunfire, four men died (Eyui Ferd, Isdf Jjhkhj, Mretb Njhkand and Osdf Psde).

             Asda Btry(died)   Csrt Dks
                         \    /
                         EF  OP
   Eyui Ferd(died) -- GH        KL -- Gjhgj Hewr(died)
 Isdf Jjhkhj(died) -- IJ        CD -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                         MN  AB
                         /     \
           Mretb Njhk(died)   Osdf Psde(died)

The duel will continue until there are less than 2 men alive...

Turn 135 degrees:

             Asda Btry(died)   Csrt Dks
                         \    /
                         MN  IJ
   Eyui Ferd(died) -- AB        GH -- Gjhgj Hewr(died)
 Isdf Jjhkhj(died) -- CD        EF -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                         KL  OP
                         /     \
           Mretb Njhk(died)   Osdf Psde(died)
Gjhgj Hewr and Osdf Psde get their guns, 
Unfortunately, they are already dead ;-)

Turn 180 degrees:
             Asda Btry(died)   Csrt Dks
                          \    /
                          OP  KL
   Eyui Ferd(died) -- EF          CD -- Gjhgj Hewr(died)
 Isdf Jjhkhj(died) -- GH          AB -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                          IJ  MN
                          /     \
           Mretb Njhk(died)   Osdf Psde(died)

Turn 225 degrees:
             Asda Btry(died)   Csrt Dks
                          \    /
                          AB  MN
   Eyui Ferd(died) -- CD          IJ -- Gjhgj Hewr(died)
 Isdf Jjhkhj(died) -- KL          GH -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                          OP  EF
                          /     \
           Mretb Njhk(died)   Osdf Psde(died)

Turn 270 degrees:
             Asda Btry(died)   Csrt Dks
                          \    /
                          IJ  GH
   Eyui Ferd(died) -- MN          EF -- Gjhgj Hewr(died)
 Isdf Jjhkhj(died) -- AB          OP -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                          CD  KL
                          /     \
           Mretb Njhk(died)   Osdf Psde(died)
Turn 315 degrees:
             Asda Btry(died)   Csrt Dks
                          \    /
                          GH  EF
   Eyui Ferd(died) -- IJ          OP -- Gjhgj Hewr(died)
 Isdf Jjhkhj(died) -- MN          KL -- Kewrwe Lhgj
                          AB  CD
                          /     \
           Mretb Njhk(died)   Osdf Psde(died)
Kewrwe Lhgj gets his gun, "PONG!PONG!PONG!!!"

After a burst of gunfire, Csrt Dks died. Kewrwe Lhgj is the final winner, he got the beloved girl ;-)


Complete function duel() that accepts 2 arguments:

names An array containing the names of the eight men as they are disposed at the beginning of the duel.

guns An array of the men's pistols as they are diposed at the beginning of the duel. Each gun is represented by his owner's initials.

The result should be the winner's name as a string. If no one survived, return an empty string.


// The example in the story:
names = [
"Asda Btry","Csrt Dks","Eyui Ferd","Gjhgj Hewr",
"Isdf Jjhkhj","Kewrwe Lhgj","Mretb Njhk","Osdf Psde"
guns = ["CD", "AB","MN","IJ","GH","EF","OP","KL"]

duel(names,guns)  ===  "Kewrwe Lhgj"


CreatedAug 29, 2016
PublishedAug 29, 2016
Warriors Trained242
Total Skips3
Total Code Submissions453
Total Times Completed63
JavaScript Completions39
Python Completions29
Total Stars14
% of votes with a positive feedback rating100% of 27
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes27
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes0
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes0
Total Rank Assessments5
Average Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
4 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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