7 kyu

Isn't that a letter too?

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  • farhanaditya Avatar

    Nice kata, quite creative.

  • ejini战神 Avatar
    • Node 12 should be enabled (Refer this and this for more info)

    • The side note should be removed as other languages are removed?

  • Unnamed Avatar

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  • smile67 Avatar

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    • Julix Avatar

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    • smile67 Avatar

      Hi, that's a beginning;-)... So your honor got back - wow, surprise:-). It wasn't lost because of missing random tests, but because of your answer like "...feel free to edit the kata and do it for your own...";-)...

    • HerrWert Avatar

      @smile67, ich habe mich diesmal bemüht, etwas kürzeren Code zu schreiben, das Ergebnis war aber trotzdem die längste Lösung von allen bisherigen :-)

      @Julix: Congratulations on your first kata! It forced me to take a closer look at the Unicode table and see just what-all is in those higher positions! I never knew there were so many different letters. As a German teacher in the U.S., I'm always irritated when people simply drop the umlauts from German letters, as if they didn't matter. So I'm all for giving respect to the various "weird" letters, as you call them :-)

    • smile67 Avatar

      Doch hoffentlich nicht wegen mir bemüht - ich mag ja (fast:-)) jeden Code, Hauptsache er läuft... Wenn ich sehe, was ich hier so manchmal zusammenschreibe;-)... Aber diesmal nur knapp am Ziel vorbei - eigentlich jedesmal ein Bonus- Punkt wegen der vielen Arbeit;-)...

    • Julix Avatar

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    • Julix Avatar

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    • matt c Avatar

      if you need any help with random test cases give me a shout :)

    • Julix Avatar

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