6 kyu

Highest Scoring Word

29,874 of 94,500PG1


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CreatedSep 28, 2016
PublishedSep 28, 2016
Warriors Trained174597
Total Skips26306
Total Code Submissions333488
Total Times Completed94500
JavaScript Completions29874
Haskell Completions748
Ruby Completions2296
Python Completions33518
Crystal Completions33
C# Completions5033
Java Completions9616
R Completions178
C++ Completions4344
C Completions1087
Elixir Completions267
PowerShell Completions145
PHP Completions2407
Kotlin Completions1134
Scala Completions423
NASM Completions17
Rust Completions1281
Go Completions1819
CoffeeScript Completions13
Julia Completions55
TypeScript Completions1682
COBOL Completions7
D Completions5
Factor Completions9
Lua Completions11
Total Stars2709
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 8093
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes6900
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes1070
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes123
Total Rank Assessments10
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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