8 kyu

Exclamation marks series #1: Remove an exclamation mark from the end of string

13,295 of 29,600myjinxin2015


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CreatedOct 10, 2016
PublishedOct 10, 2016
Warriors Trained41303
Total Skips2964
Total Code Submissions107741
Total Times Completed29600
JavaScript Completions13295
Python Completions10839
CoffeeScript Completions31
Ruby Completions1175
Crystal Completions34
PHP Completions1624
Haskell Completions508
C# Completions1562
TypeScript Completions763
C Completions486
COBOL Completions10
BF Completions35
Scala Completions19
Total Stars302
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 3541
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes3023
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes468
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes50
Total Rank Assessments11
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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