5 kyu

Would you believe... Talk like Siegfried

160 of 499dinglemouse
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Regular Expressions
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  • ahmet_popaj Avatar

    This kata is very nice.

  • dfhwze Avatar

    sample tests are annoying

    • you don't know for which week the error is displayed
    • you need to use a text diff tool to find discrepancies between actual and expected value

    unclear specs

    • "You must retain the case of the original sentence" -> how about "SM" -> "SCHM" or "SChm" or what? Can this even occur?
  • ejini战神 Avatar

    Great kata ^^

  • user9526662 Avatar

    you, really gotta update the python test framework

  • BetoGgh Avatar

    Do I really need to track the week number? Or am I just not seeing the purpose of it?

    I'm using Js, and the parameter does not seem to have valuable data... (could just use regex in order)

  • Mohrezakhorasany Avatar

    Your Katas are always enjoyable! :)

  • user9644768 Avatar

    Please use new python test framework.

  • glynester Avatar

    Fun kata! Would have been harder to fudge, certainly for me, if the "sm -> schm" rule (a rule to increase the length of the string rather than shorten it) didn't just occur in a single sentence case. It would have forced me to find a better method to pass the tests. Although I'll improve my method anyway for personal development. :)

  • nejc.schneider Avatar

    Nice kata but is argument week supposed to always be 1? I had to implement counter to keep track of weeks which was causing me trouble with random tests.

  • nejc.schneider Avatar

    Argument week is not passed in properly, always got '1' while expecting 2,3,4,5.

  • Kacper Surówka Avatar

    Fun kata, made me learn how to use references to capture groups to only replace desired parts of matches. A really nice alternative to using lookarounds.

  • G_kuldeep Avatar

    Nice kata as usual.:)

  • anter69 Avatar

    Shorter sample tests would be useful, which are visually easy to compare, e.g.:

    • week 1: "Certain circles care much" --> "Sertain sirkles kare much etc.

    Also, some evil edge cases could be added; I'm thinking about randomly cased words like "tHinG" --> "zinK"

  • moeatsy Avatar

    Thanks, got some knowledge about regexs

  • KataSideKick Avatar

    C# Translation added.Please review and approve~

  • nüb Avatar

    Zunks for zis!

  • Slix Avatar

    It's a pity zer are only a kupl of desent reg exp katas zer. Zis one is boz funy und useful. Zunks :)

  • Driek Avatar

    Seriously fun to do, thanks for the imaginative kata!

  • adn.codez Avatar

    why I get this error everyytime I make the attemt: Test Results: Sample tests "This is KAOS!! We don't play with Code-Wars here!! So there will be trouble for you this time Mr Maxwell Smart! We have reseived all the photographik evidense we need so choose karefully what you say next! I hope you will ko-operate with KAOS and do exaktly what we want Mr Smart otherwise I won't be happy with you! In fakt, if you misbehave that would make me very unhappy indeed... And you sertainly would not want to make me unnesesarily kross would you Mr Maxwell Smart?" should equal "This is KAOS!! We don't play with Kode-Wars here!! So there will be trouble for you this time Mr Maxwell Smart! We have reseived all the photographik evidense we need so choose karefully what you say next! I hope you will ko-operate with KAOS and do exaktly what we want Mr Smart otherwise I won't be happy with you! In fakt, if you misbehave that would make me very unhappy indeed... And you sertainly would not want to make me unnesesarily kross would you Mr Maxwell Smart?"

  • henryRRR Avatar

    Vel, vel, vel..... I struggle with and pretty nearloathe regex but that was fantastic. One of the best concieved katas I've done yet.

    Thank you, for the several hours of head-banging-against-wall hell I've just been through - awesome!!

  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    Python translation!

    (first time I encounter a kata easier in Java than in python! ;o ... That is... with my approach, of course.)

  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    \o/ SO COOL! A new DM kata!! :)

    But now it's too late for me. 'will take a look at it tomorrow. ;)


  • dinglemouse Avatar

    @smile67 Zunks for aprovink schmile67!

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Shouldn't ing be replaced only on the ends of words?


    (Well, OK. "Ingenious")

  • JohanWiltink Avatar
    'Zis KAOS!! Ve don\'t play viz is Kod-Vars So her!! zer be trubl for vil zis tim Mr yu Maxvel Ve hav Schmart! al reseived ze evidens fotografik ned so chos karefuly ve yu say vat I next! yu vil ko-operat hop viz und do exaktly vat KAOS vunt Mr Schmart ozervis I ve b von\'t hapy viz yu! In if yu fakt, misbehav vuld mak me very zat inded... Und unhapy yu vuld sertainly not to vunt mak unesesarily me kros vuld Mr Maxvel Schmart? yu'
    instead got:
    'Zis KAOS!! Ve don\'t play viz is Kod-Vars So her!! zer be trubl for vil zis tim Mr yu Maxvel Ve hav Schmart! al reseived ze evidens fotografik ned so chos karefuly ve yu say vat I next! yu vil ko-operat hop viz und do exaktly vat KAOS vunt Mr Schmart ozervis I ve be von\'t hapy viz yu! In if yu fakt, misbehav vuld mak me very zat inded... Und unhapy yu vuld sertainly not to vunt mak unesesarily me kros vuld Mr Maxvel Schmart? yu'

    I think expected is expectink one less e than it should. That word isn't long enough to drop the trailink e.

    It happens rarely, but it seems sometimes (not always) be is wrongly beink shortened to b.


    '.. Mr Maxvel be V Schmart! ..'
    instead got:
    '.. Mr Maxvel be Ve Schmart! ..'

    So it doesn't only happen on be, also on (probably) We.