7 kyu


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  • ejini战神 Avatar

    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled (Refer this & this for more detail)

  • Varis Avatar

    The two cases for words ending in "-y" ("days", "buys" vs. "flies") should be clearer expressed in the task statement.

  • myjinxin2015 Avatar

    Please add some random tests.

    • cliffstamp Avatar

      This is a very simple kata, only uses basic language structures (unless you want to use regex which also just uses basic regex) and the test suite is so long that hard coding it would be harder than the solution. In this case, I don't see the necessity of random cases - however, they are added anyway.

      Issue marked resolved by cliffstamp 6 years ago
  • scepticulous Avatar

    Currently the difference in pluralizing day and fly is not covered in the rules in the instructions. It would be helpful to add the relevance of vowels to the rules.

    • VadimPopov Avatar

      But it is. The instructions say: "...If a singular noun ends with a consonant and '-y', change '-y' to '-ies'. All other words just add '-s'". Isn't that rule enough?

    • scepticulous Avatar

      You are totally right. I did not read it correctly. My mistake, sorry.

      Suggestion marked resolved by scepticulous 9 years ago