4 kyu

Greedy thief

171 of 281myjinxin2015


When no more interesting kata can be resolved, I just choose to create the new kata, to solve their own, to enjoy the process -- myjinxin2015 said


In a dark, deserted night, a thief entered a shop. There are some items in the room, and the items have different weight (in kg) and price (in $).

The thief is greedy, his desire is to take away all the goods. But unfortunately, his bag can only hold n kg of items. So he has to make a choice, try to take away more valuable items.

Please complete the function to help the thief to make the best choices. Two arguments will be given: items (an array that contains all items) and n (the maximum weight the package can accommodate).

The list of items is provided as an array of objects:

  {weight:2, price:6},

The result should be a list of the original items that the thief should take away and that has the maximum possible total price.


  • Order of the items in the output do not matter
  • If more than one valid solutions exist, you should return one of them
  • If no valid solution should return []
  • You should not modify argument items or the items themselves (in languages where they are mutable).
  • Pay attention to performance: the thief doesn't have all night to decide what to take or not!


For a list of the following available items:

weight price
2 6
2 3
6 5
5 4
4 6

... and with a maximum weight of n=10, the best option could be a total price of 15$, collecting the following items:

weight price
2 6
2 3
4 6

More examples please see the example tests ;-)



CreatedNov 14, 2016
PublishedNov 15, 2016
Warriors Trained1865
Total Skips65
Total Code Submissions7469
Total Times Completed281
JavaScript Completions171
Haskell Completions6
Python Completions115
Total Stars129
% of votes with a positive feedback rating91% of 69
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes58
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes10
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes1
Total Rank Assessments5
Average Assessed Rank
4 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
4 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
5 kyu
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