
Fibonacci base converter

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  • smile67 Avatar

    I think your random tests are wrong:

    Test Results:
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       in convert0
    TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable

    "convert0" - not my function;-)?!

    • eqlion Avatar

      'convert0' was the function in tests written by my in order to check if your func return the same result as mine. Not sure how to fix your problem and what causes it, though this func is now called 'convert_test' so it's a bit more clear.

    • smile67 Avatar

      I don't think that it is my problem, more a problem of your random tests, it's your function were the error appears - the static tests are ok. Changing the name wasn't a solution,same error. Printing your input parameter isn't possible too, this error directly appears starting the tests, which is a hint for me that it is not a problem of my code...

       Test Passed
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      ✔ Test Passed
      ✔ Test Passed
      ✔ Test Passed
        More random tests
         in convert_test
      TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable

      Perhaps someone else can have a look (perhaps there's still no solution, because of this problem) - Python is not my first language just for playing a little bit:-)...

    • eqlion Avatar

      Well, then I'll unpublish it and take a closer look at all this stuff. Anyway, thanks for your reply!