5 kyu

Mission: Hidden Message

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Regular Expressions
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  • andreimaier Avatar

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  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    JS: the old homemade test framework is still used => needs an update to node 18 + chai

  • dfhwze Avatar

    Random tests immediately are too big to be usefull for debugging. This causes bad user experience.

  • wthit56 Avatar

    One of the random tests expected Ccl\'q\'ch" uyjj\'d tq\'rs" zu\' l\'he\'m\'pv\'" w\'w\'j\'u\'r\'o\'b\' r\'m\'hhh\'zf m\'eq. Idv\' we\'f\' c\'s\'f" o\'es u\'s\'h\'qg\' hbb\'wdp\'b f\'zq\'x d\'z". S\'q bssq\' cfc\'" b\'v\'a\'d\'jf\'" b\'e\'o\'b. D\'vk\'vf a\'y\'uqg v\'rb\'i\'yo\' i\'ucz\' w\'w d\'opih. But the description said Punctuation marks, except apostrophes, don’t transfer into the decoded message (so apostrophes do). Is there a bug in the tests, or am I misunderstanding something?

    • Rafa Mel Avatar

      You're absolutely right! Thank you for bringing it to my attention, it should be solved now :)

      Issue marked resolved by Rafa Mel 8 years ago
  • smile67 Avatar

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    • Rafa Mel Avatar

      Hi there! Noted, I originally prescinded of random tests for this one but they have now been added.