8 kyu

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15,529 of 48,016kodejuice


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CreatedJun 4, 2017
PublishedJun 5, 2017
Warriors Trained69943
Total Skips1612
Total Code Submissions161966
Total Times Completed48016
JavaScript Completions15529
C# Completions2742
Haskell Completions544
Python Completions12755
Ruby Completions1329
Java Completions5446
C++ Completions5297
C Completions1468
Scala Completions364
Julia Completions83
R Completions240
Kotlin Completions901
PHP Completions924
Dart Completions695
NASM Completions67
TypeScript Completions493
CoffeeScript Completions35
Elixir Completions131
Crystal Completions38
Racket Completions47
Reason Completions20
Go Completions1173
Factor Completions23
λ Calculus Completions20
COBOL Completions21
Rust Completions344
SQL Completions899
BF Completions21
OCaml Completions56
Total Stars514
% of votes with a positive feedback rating88% of 5233
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes4213
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes782
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes238
Total Rank Assessments27
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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