7 kyu

SQL Basics: Raise to the Power

12,085 of 12,086PG1
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  • jjeadon Avatar

    I think this might be more of an 8th Kyu challenge. Not because I expect everyone to know the syntax for power() off the top of their head, but because once you look that up, it's very straight forward.

  • ymhshk Avatar

    it's a good one, I thought of CONCAT firstly because I didn't know what "raised to the power" means :D so, yeah, it's a good kata for newbies like me

  • Insamneack Avatar

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    • Chrono79 Avatar

      Not a kata issue, why the GROUP BY clause?

      Issue marked resolved by Chrono79 4 years ago
    • Insamneack Avatar

      omg, i must of been out of it, i saw this comment at work and couldnt check if i had the group by clause, i didnt even realize it was there lol, thanks Chrono79, also did i do that right with the spoiler tag? I didnt want to break rules and post answer

    • Chrono79 Avatar

      You're welcome. Mark your post as having spoiler content next time (I mean the first one) I don't remember if it was marked or not.

    • Insamneack Avatar

      ok appreciate it alot, i think marked it spoiler also, no one got on to me yet for posting an answer, so i think i did it right lol.

  • luthfirinda Avatar

    maybe for some of you guys said this was too easy, but me as person who new in SQL this is very useful! right now i know how to use POW in sql :)

  • Crimmys Avatar

    pretty simple and straightforward, should possibly be a 8 kyu

  • schaefferda Avatar

    This is too easy to be a 7 kyu, should be an 8 kyu

  • Unnamed Avatar

    All these katas start looking like duplicates to me. The principle is the same, the words to google (that is, in the worst case) are different...

    • PG1 Avatar

      Thats sort of the idea - they are very basic kata (and identified as that) to capture largely syntax to achieve tjings as I learn SQL. More complicated ones will come in time. The things being done are different and so they arent duplicates.

    • jgdodson Avatar

      Thanks for writing these. I enjoy simple kata for easing into a new language. They help one push through the initial tedium of term memorization.