7 kyu

Truthy and Falsy

730 of 859brunolm
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  • Bunkierski Avatar

    Yeah, we can assume that user who pushed for example five strings as truthy values deceives only himself, but... I think that by today's standards of CW it should be test for inputs with the same type in array.

    • akar-0 Avatar

      This is an old kata and its design won't be changed but for very good and unquestionnable reasons, because it would invalidate all existing solutions. Moreover, your suggestion is questionable, and I don't know on which alleged standards of CW it is base on.

      Suggestion marked resolved by akar-0 3 years ago
    • Bunkierski Avatar

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  • HerrWert Avatar

    I like that this kata forces the user to go and learn about the weird variety of truthy and falsy values in JavaScript. It also reminded me why JSLint recommends the triple equals sign (===) for comparisons.

  • Voile Avatar


  • Voile Avatar

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