6 kyu

Simple Fun #342: Buy Newspaper

75 of 230myjinxin2015



A newspaper is published in Walrusland. Its heading is s1 , it consists of lowercase Latin letters.

Fangy the little walrus wants to buy several such newspapers, cut out their headings, glue them one to another in order to get one big string.

After that walrus erase several letters from this string in order to get a new word s2.

It is considered that when Fangy erases some letter, there's no whitespace formed instead of the letter. That is, the string remains unbroken and it still only consists of lowercase Latin letters.

For example, the heading is "abc". If we take two such headings and glue them one to the other one, we get "abcabc". If we erase the 1st letter("a") and 5th letter("b"), we get a word "bcac".

Given two string s1 and s2, return the least number of newspaper headings s1, which Fangy will need to receive the word s2. If it is impossible to get the word s2 in the above-described manner, return -1.


For s1="abc", s2="bcac", the output should be 2.

"abcabc" --> "bcac"
 x   x

For s1="abc", s2="xyz", the output should be -1.

It's impossible to get the word s2.



CreatedJul 17, 2017
PublishedJul 17, 2017
Warriors Trained737
Total Skips20
Total Code Submissions885
Total Times Completed230
JavaScript Completions75
Python Completions151
Ruby Completions21
Crystal Completions4
Total Stars19
% of votes with a positive feedback rating93% of 66
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes58
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes7
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes1
Total Rank Assessments5
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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