6 kyu

Validate my Password

3,419 of 3,771Capocaccia


I will give you a string. You respond with "VALID" if the string meets the requirements or "INVALID" if it does not.

Passwords must abide by the following requirements:

More than 3 characters but less than 20.

Must contain only alphanumeric characters.

Must contain letters and numbers.

Regular Expressions


CreatedSep 18, 2017
PublishedSep 18, 2017
Warriors Trained5501
Total Skips64
Total Code Submissions17664
Total Times Completed3771
JavaScript Completions3419
C# Completions375
Total Stars58
% of votes with a positive feedback rating88% of 422
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes336
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes69
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes17
Total Rank Assessments17
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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