6 kyu

Stutter function

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Regular Expressions
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  • farhanaditya Avatar

    JS: Node v12 should be used enabled along with its appropiate assertion tools (Mocha + Chai).

  • ZED.CWT Avatar
    Expected: 'jDKJpIHrAKdBihpAqjpDAAjJAhidch...ch...c', instead got: 'jDKJpIHrAKdBihpAqjpDAAjJAhidcc'
    • boxer Avatar

      Hi, thanks for your comment, you highlighted a problem with my code that I have now addressed

      Issue marked resolved by boxer 7 years ago
  • Voile Avatar

    These things are not documented at all:

    • Text are case-insensitive
    • What happens if two possible matches are possible, e.g cch? The random tests expects c|ch, while cc|h is equally possible
    • For words that end in ch/ck/cc, which c|h/c|k/c|c and stuttering the former is a valid way of doing this but is not expected by the tests
    • boxer Avatar

      This is really helpful feedback, I have updated the kata in response to this - so I believe the issue is now resolved

      Issue marked resolved by boxer 7 years ago
  • edwin0258 Avatar

    Interesting Kata. I think there could be some tests taken from the random generated tests and added to the sample tests. There should probably also be many more tests generated. My solution was able to pass the tests on multiple occasions just by submitting again when the solution was not correct.