7 kyu

Query Converter

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  • Voile Avatar

    Do we need to handle url with no params?

  • Voile Avatar


    I also slightly changed the random tests to give random amount of params.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Needs random tests.

    • Huy Dang Avatar

      Yea, I will try to add that in soon

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      Don't wait too long. While your kata is lacking random tests it will accumulate bad ratings, and people may or may not come back to change those ratings once you have implemented random tests. You really should have had them from the beginning. It was rather predictable that the issue would be raised, and it's as predictable that some people will rate the kata badly because of it. ( And aside from the lack of random tests, it's a nice little kata. I'd hate to see it fail because of something so simple and so predictable. )

      Honest question, because I genuinely don't understand: what were you thinking, publishing a kata without random tests?

    • Huy Dang Avatar

      This is the second one that I have ever published. I am so sorry for the lack of random tests

    • Huy Dang Avatar

      Added :D

    • Voile Avatar


      Issue marked resolved by Voile 7 years ago