7 kyu

Is it a vowel on this position?

842 of 1,675Dmitry Kudla


Check if it is a vowel(a, e, i, o, u,) on the n position in a string (the first argument). Don't forget about uppercase.

A few cases:

checkVowel('cat', 1)  ->   true // 'a' is a vowel
checkVowel('cat', 0)  ->   false // 'c' is not a vowel
checkVowel('cat', 4)  ->   false // this position doesn't exist

P.S. If n < 0, return false



CreatedDec 9, 2017
PublishedDec 9, 2017
Warriors Trained2135
Total Skips24
Total Code Submissions7746
Total Times Completed1675
JavaScript Completions842
Ruby Completions135
Haskell Completions81
Python Completions680
Total Stars18
% of votes with a positive feedback rating87% of 419
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes329
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes75
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes15
Total Rank Assessments6
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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