5 kyu

Cricket Scores

19 of 85dinglemouse
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  • brodiemark Avatar

    Another great problem from dinglemouse! Easier than the tennis one.

    In Python the names of the batsmen are a string, not a list. Probably the description should be modified to reflect this.

  • dfhwze Avatar

    This part was not clear to me.

    "A string showing the batsmen names (in batting order) and runs they made (runs are in a 3-digit field)"

    This could mean a couple of things:

    • in order they are queued (it's probably this)
    • in order they take their first stance as striker
    • in order they hit their first ball
  • user5257673 Avatar

    desperately wanted to solve this kata for my love of cricket. One of the best katas ever !

  • eb110 Avatar

    As it cost me 90 extra minutes and i don't think it is a spoiler here is a hint - after the ball has been bowled 6 times the batsmans are swapping their places. Other hint - if score is odd - batsmans has to chenge their places as well.

  • eb110 Avatar

    Why in "wwwwwwwwww" H is not out?? clearly 10 consecutive bowers should to be out. Why in ".1" bower A has 1 point? (i think bower B should to have 1) Btw, ive solved all sample test but its not helping at all so perhaps one descriptive test in instruction would be a good idea. What is the difference between "..." and "....." ? I thought a dot means "change bower" but according to ".1" it looks im wrong.

  • eknath Avatar

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  • G_kuldeep Avatar

    Thanks for this kata:)

  • Shiv  Singh Avatar

    Cricket is like our unofficial national game,so as an Indian I loved solving this kata :)

  • KataSideKick Avatar

    C# Translation added.Please review and approve~

  • sazzadshopno Avatar

    Enjoyed this kata. :D

  • rahulk8671 Avatar

    Took me 6 hours to figure out an algorithm for this kata and i finnaly did it, i must say it was quite an adventure.

  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    Well, it was quite an adventure... ;)

  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    Python: why the input batsmen (which I had to print to see that it was a string), while it seems it doesn't ever change? (or does it?) If it is kept, it should be good to define it in the sample tests rather than in the preloaded part.

  • Showndarya Avatar

    I really liked this one. I joined this platform 2 days ago and to find one with cricket involved gave me the boost :) My solution is naive but glad I could solve this.

  • dinglemouse Avatar

    Thanks @ZED for approving

  • user1709872 Avatar

    Yeah , I came here to try but decided after reading the thing to leave it alone. This is one beta I won't be trying. Good luck to rest of you

  • ZED.CWT Avatar