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  • Abduqodir_5048 Avatar

    Why exactly "a"? What should we do in this case? In the last paragraph, it is also called a. What should be the result in the code we wrote?

  • dagolinuxoid Avatar

    The kata is nice. I voted for 6kuy - do you agree?

    PS. for some reasons makeSixLetterCode still doesn't work but createReport does. Just pick one :)

    • rt-hawk Avatar

      Thanks for looking at this and for the suggestions. Yes - createReport should be in the initial code. I changed that. Try again please. Yes - I made it a 6.

  • Voile Avatar

    Needs more random tests (3 is not enough). You can put them inside a loop to generate as many random tests as you like, you know.

    Also you should format the tests with Test.describe and Test.it so it's clearly which one are fixed tests and which are random tests.

    The description is a long, hard to grok wall of text. It needs better formatting. Too many information and too flat (just like the test code) to get the key points and not missing anything important.

  • ZED.CWT Avatar
    Test.assertDeepEquals(createReport(["Redhead 3", "Gadwall  1", "Smew 4", "Greater Scaup 10", "Redhead, 3", "Gadwall 9", "Greater Scaup  15", "Common Eider 6"]), ["COMEID", 6, "GADWAL", 10, "GRESCA", 25, "REDHEA", 6, "SMEW", 4]);

    Why there is a , in "Redhead, 3"

    If a name has four words, take the first two letters from the first two words, and the first two letters from the last two words.

    Actually it is If a name has four words, take the first letters from the first two words, and the first two letters from the last two words.

  • ZED.CWT Avatar
    ReferenceError: makeSixLetterCode is not defined
            at Array.map
        at createReport02
                at Object.handleError
            at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext
        at Object.runInThisContext
  • rt-hawk Avatar

    This is similar to my prevouis Kata "Create Four Letter Birding Codes from Bird Names". But, I think it is different enough where people will find it challenging as there are more things to code for.

    I had more to add to this second challenge; but, I thought I'd leave those additional coding challenges for another Kata. While I was working on this one, I came to a point where adding the extra coding got to be very, very challenging just for me. So, I thought I'd leave this Kata as is, and try to come up with another one for those other coding challenges.