7 kyu

BASICS: Length based SELECT with LIKE

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  • coder_mel Avatar

    Nice little Kata to go back to basics. It may help to explain that LEN can't be used, or possibly an 8kyu.

  • senior_kapitoshka Avatar

    I didn't understand the description. "You will need to create a SELECT statement in conjunction with LIKE.". LIKE what?

    upd: This means that the relevant string must be larger than 6 characters and the LENGHT function MUST NOT BE USED in the solution. What was the problem with writing a clear description?

  • RL1995 Avatar

    Honestly a very stupid question. It's asking you to USE Like and Len in the instructions which makes no sense at all.

    Please find someone who's first language is English if you are targeting an English speaking audience

  • DanyloPidlisnyi Avatar

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  • glovastefan Avatar

    It is great challange, love it, just not very clear what is expected until I have run it first time. I would suggst to state using LENGHT fuction is not allowed - just for a clarity.

  • ktrades95 Avatar

    Every time I test the code, everything is passed, but when I attempt, it says its grouped wrong. The 'expected' and 'got' values are the same, am I missing how to order it or something?

  • Tafari1 Avatar

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  • d.cisa Avatar

    Please provide table name to the exercise

  • mamytov_a Avatar

    Check the test code, please, it seems to be broken. Some issue with library imports. Also, correct solutions (even the ones copy-pasted from accepted solutions) don't work

  • Bmarcush Avatar

    I got the error, that the columns couldn't be shown because the table name wasn´t shown. As jgberth said, the table name is "names".

  • jbgerth Avatar

    It took me forever, to find the correct table name. Can you add the table name names explicitly?

  • BetoGgh Avatar

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  • awgeo Avatar

    The author says below that "user does not need to care about ordering", but for me this passes all Tests but then fails due to the ordering. Can you please advise?

  • Zhijing  Avatar

    why would this in practice ever be used ? wouldn't you just use LENGTH instead of trying to do this with LIKE ?

  • Crimmys Avatar

    I feel like this should probably be an 8 kyu

  • demtzu Avatar

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  • hychou0515 Avatar

    what is the name of the table? PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "people" does not exist

  • quantumsphere Avatar

    Having the same error about keys

  • MaKiPL Avatar

    Unfortunately it spams with (for columns test):

    undefined method `keys' for nil:NilClass Simplified backtrace: block (3 levels) in

  • tshinikov Avatar

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  • omegahm Avatar

    The description for this kata is still wrong!

    It talks about a producers table, that doesn't exist and a name colum which also doesn't exist.

    Instead the actual table is called names and the columns here are first_name and last_name.

  • Voile Avatar

    The ordering of the result is not specified. Test comparisons are order-sensitive so this will fail statements that return the results in a different order.

    You should either sort the results in your test assertion, or specify a total ordering for the SELECT statement.

  • ZED.CWT Avatar
    • There are not tables named people
    • have name with at least 6 character long

    What do you mean by name? A. first_name B. last_name C. full name. (eg. 'Rainbow Dash' if first_name = 'Rainbow' and last_name = 'Dash'?)