7 kyu

Simple Jeringonza

278 of 471squidmania



Jeringonza is a Spanish language game, similar to Pig Latin, played by children in Spain and all over Hispanic America. It consists of adding the letter p after each vowel (a, e, i, o or u) of a word, and repeating the vowel. For example, jeringonza becomes jeperipingoponzapa (or j-epe-r-ipi-ng-opo-nz-apa).

For the purposes of this kata, the input and output are both strings and no input strings will be empty. Also, the added 'p' should match the case of the vowel. So opo for o and EPE for E.

(If you're interested - there's a few extra components in jeringonza, such as how to deal with stressed vowels, but for the purposes of this kata we're keeping it simple)

Gopoopod lupuck!


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CreatedMar 27, 2018
PublishedApr 13, 2018
Warriors Trained656
Total Skips14
Total Code Submissions917
Total Times Completed471
JavaScript Completions278
Ruby Completions29
Python Completions193
Total Stars11
% of votes with a positive feedback rating90% of 156
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes127
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes26
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes3
Total Rank Assessments14
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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