
A New Era (Japanese Calendar Conversion) (retired)

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  • tommyhyatt Avatar

    Hi Ritz-w, enjoyed the Kata. Just a quick change to make -- you've pre-loaded a function to the user's window that's called calendarConversion rather than nengoConversion, as is required for the tests to work. I learned something about Japanese dating, thanks!

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    This kata is unsolvable. Tests are broken.

    Tests also expect different results than specified.

    • ritz-w Avatar

      Thank you for the feedback. I believe I've fixed the tests. Would you like to try again?

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      It's solveable now. Now you desperately need random tests. ( Before this gets retired because of abysmal ratings. The idea is nice enough, but the implementation is killing you. )

    • ritz-w Avatar

      Thank you again for the feedback. I've put in a few random tests now. As you must be able to tell I'm totally new at this, and appreciate all the advice I can get. If you might be willing to give me more pointers, what else do you think might help me to optimise this? Cheers

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      More complete coverage of possible ( and impossible ) inputs in the random tests would have better chances of uncovering possible bugs in solutions.

      For this kata, this is enough though.

      Issue marked resolved by JohanWiltink 7 years ago